161 research outputs found

    The Linearly Independent Non Orthogonal yet Energy Preserving (LINOEP) vectors

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    It is well known that, in any inner product space, a set of linearly independent (LI) vectors can be transformed to a set of orthogonal vectors, spanning the same space, by the Gram-Schmidt Orthogonalization Method (GSOM). In this paper, we propose a transformation from a set of LI vectors to a set of LI non orthogonal yet energy (square of the norm) preserving (LINOEP) vectors in an inner product space and we refer it as LINOEP method. We also show that there are various solutions to preserve the square of the norm.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Removal of Zn2+ and Pb2+ using new isolates of Bacillus spp. PPS03 and Bacillus subtilis PPS04 from Paper mill effluents using indigenously designed Bench-top Bioreactor

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    Biosorption processes have the potential to decrease environmental hazards through their factors such as initial metal ion concentration, temperature, pH and biomass concentration in the solution. In the present study biosorption process was performed using the strains of Bacillus spp. PPS 03 (KF710041) and Bacillus subtilis PPS 04 (KF710042) isolated from sediment core of Paper mill effluent (PME) for the removal of Zn2+and Pb2+ in an indigenously designed Bench-top Bioreactor. The temperature, initial pH, biomass and incubation period of PME for Zn2+ and Pb2+ reduction was standardized. The strains exhibited significant reduction in Zn2+ and Pb2+ of PME to the extent of 73.29% and 85.64% with PPS 03 and 78.15% and 87.57% respectively with PPS 04 after 120 hrs of aerobic treatment. The reduction in the metals occurred from first day of the treatment, but the maximum reduction in these metals was observed after 120 hrs. at pH (7.0±0.2), temperature (35±1.0°C) and biomass (5% v/ v) of the bacterial strains. The removal of metals with strain PPS 04 was more in comparison to the strain PPS 03. The Freundlich isotherms on the data showed that it was linearly fitted for Zn2+and Pb2+. The values of correlation coefficient (R2) of Freundlich isotherms were greater than 0.812 for Pb2+ and Zn2+. The kinetic study for the rate of removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+ by both species was found to best fit a Pseudo first order reaction. The rate constant was found to be inversely proportional to the concentration of parameters. Thus, the microbial strains were found efficient for the biosorption/removal of Pb2+ and Zn2+

    Vulvar lichen sclerosus: recent advances in understanding and management

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    Vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) is a chronic inflammatory disorder, which affects women of all ages. It is one of the most common pathologies presenting to vulvar clinics. However, uncertainty continues to exist about its etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment. Studies suggest a multifactorial origin as far as etiology is concerned, including a genetic, autoimmune, hormonal and local infectious background. There is often a delay in diagnosis of VLS due to its asymptomatic nature and lack of awareness in patients as well as physicians. Embarrassment of patients due to private nature of the disease and failure to examine the genital skin properly are the other reasons for delay in diagnosis. Conventionally, treatment includes topical corticosteroids as a first-line therapy with alternative options such as topical calcineurin inhibitors, topical and systemic retinoids, other steroid creams, various destructive techniques and surgical removal of affected tissues. New therapeutic approaches are coming into effect in gynecological practice due to potential risks of the above-mentioned methods. Stem cell and platelet-rich plasma therapy, energy-based modalities such as the fractional CO2 laser, photo dynamic therapy, and high intensity focused ultrasound, and new topical medicines, are some of the new options applied to improve the efficacy of treatment avoiding the side effects of conventional methods. Refinement of surgical techniques for restoring vulvar anatomy is leading to improved patient outcomes. This review summarizes current perspectives on the etiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment for vulvar lichen sclerosus.

    Moth Search Optimization for Optimal DERs Integration in Conjunction to OLTC Tap Operations in Distribution Systems

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    In this paper, a newly developed moth search optimization (MSO) technique is introduced to solve the complex distributed energy resources (DER) integration problems of distribution systems. In order to overcome some of the limitations observed in the standard variant of MSO, minor corrections are also suggested. On the other hand, a new optimization problem is formulated for optimal deployment of dispatchable distributed generations and shunt capacitors while simultaneously optimizing the tap positions of on-load tap-changing transformers, already deployed in grid substations. The objective of this work is to minimize the cost of annual energy loss and node voltage deviations over multiple load levels. The proposed model is implemented and solved for two benchmark test distribution networks of 33 and 118 buses. The suggested corrections are also validated by comparing the performance of the proposed approach with standard MSO and other available optimization methods. The simulation results show that the developed model optimally utilizes the existing distribution system resources and generates higher deployment benefits at lesser DER penetration as compared to the planning model which ignores these resources

    Using Functional Near Infrared Spectroscopy to Assess Cognitive Workload

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    Quantification of mental workload is a significant aspect of monitoring and adaptive aiding systems that are intended to improve the efficiency and safety of human–machine systems. Functional near Infrared (fNIR) spectroscopy is a field-deployable brain monitoring device that provides a measures of cerebral hemodynamic within the prefrontal cortex. The purpose of this study was to assess the cognitive load by using Performance (reaction time), Behavioral metrics (NASA TLX) and Neuro-Cognitive Measures (Hemodynamic response). To observe the activation in prefrontal cortex, we employed Functional Near Infrared (fNIR) Spectroscopy with a Standard Stroop task. A total of 25 healthy participants (N 18 Male and N 07 Female, M Age 25.5 SD 7.6), participated in the study. For statistical analysis, a repeated measure t-test was computed to compare the Oxy (Δ[HbO2]) and De-Oxy (Δ[hHb]) changes under Congruent and In-Congruent task conditions. For Classification, Binary logistic regression model applied to identify how accurately classifying the varied workload conditions. The finding shows that fNIR measures had adequate predictive power for estimating task performance in workload conditions. In this paper, we have found evidence that fNIR can be used as indicator of cognitive load which is important for optimal human performance

    Modified African Buffalo Optimization for Strategic Integration of Battery Energy Storage in Distribution Networks

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    This article presents a two-layer optimization scheme for simultaneous optimal allocation of wind turbines (WTs) and battery energy storage systems (BESSs) in power distribution networks. The prime objective of this formulation is to maximize the renewable hosting capacity of the system. For outer-layer, a new objective function is developed by combining multiple objectives such as annual energy loss in feeders, back-feed power, BESSs conversion losses, node voltage deviation, and demand fluctuations caused by renewables subject to various system security and reliability constraints. Furthermore, a modified variant of African buffalo optimization (ABO) introduced to overcome some of the limitations observed in its standard variant. The proposed modifications are first validated and then introduced for simultaneous optimal integration of multiple distributed energy resources in distribution systems. The proposed modified ABO is employed to determine the optimization variables of outer-layer. Whereas, a heuristic is proposed to solve the inner-layer optimization problem aiming to determine the optimal dispatch of BESSs suggested by outer-layer optimization. By considering the high investment and operating cost of BESSs, minimum energy storage capacity has been ensured during the planning stage. To present the efficacy of developed model, it is implemented on a 33-bus, benchmark test distribution system for various test cases. The comparative simulation results show that the proposed optimization model and modified ABO is very promising to improve the performance of active distribution systems

    Cognitive Workload Analysis of Fighter Aircraft Pilots in Flight Simulator Environment

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    Maintaining and balancing an optimal level of workload is essential for completing the task productively. Fighter aircraft is one such example, where the pilot is loaded heavily both physically (due to G manoeuvering) and cognitively (handling multiple sensors, perceiving, processing and multi-tasking including communications and handling weapons) to fulfill the combat mission requirements. This cognitive demand needs to be analysed to understand the workload of fighter pilot. Objective of this study is to analyse dynamic workload of fighter pilots in a realistic high-fidelity flight simulator environment during different flying workload conditions. The various workload conditions are (a) normal visibility, (b) low visibility, (c) normal visibility with secondary task, and (d) low visibility with secondary task. Though, pilot’s flying performance score was good, the physiological measure like heart rate variability (HRV) features and subjective assessment (NASA-TLX) components are found to be statistically significant (p<0.05) between tasks. HRV features such as SD2, SDNN, VLF and total power are found to be significant at all task load conditions. The features LFnu and HFnu are able to differentiate the effect of low visibility and secondary cognitive task, which was imposed as increased task in this study. This result benefits to understand the pilot’s task and performance at each flying phase and their cognitive demands during dynamic workload using HRV, which could assist pilot’s training schedule in optimal way on simulators as well as in actual flight conditions

    Stability indicating analytical method validation for hydralazine hydrochloride related substances method-I by Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography in drug substances

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    A simple, rapid, precise, accurate and cost effective stability-indicating reversed phase (RP) HPLC related substance method-1 was validated for Hydralazine Hydrochloride (HYD HCl) in Active pharmaceutical ingredient. All the analytical parameters were determined as per ICH Q2B guidelines. Good chromatographic separation was achieved with Inertsil ODS 3V column (4.6 mm x 250 mm, 5 μm particle size) at a wavelength of 230 nm using phosphate buffer pH 2.5 and acetonitrile as mobile phase A and Methanol as mobile phase B with gradient programming with a flow rate of 1.0 ml/ min. The Resolution between Hydralazine peak and impurity-A should not be less than 3.0. From the statistical treatment of the linearity data of Hydralazine HCl, it is clear that the response of Hydralazine HCl is linear between 50 % to 150 % level. The correlation coefficient is greater than 0.998. The developed method showed good linearity, Accuracy, reproducibility, precision and robustness and can be suitably applied for the routine quality control analysis in the estimation of commercial formulations. Keywords: Hydralazine hydrochloride, HPLC, Validation, Estimatio

    Physical mapping of wheat and rye expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats on wheat chromosomes

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    Six hundred and seventy two loci belonging to 275 expressed sequence tag-simple sequence repeats [EST-SSRs, including 93 wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and 182 rye (Secale cereale L.) EST-SSRs] were physically mapped on 21 wheat chromosomes. The mapping involved two approaches, the wet-lab approach involving use of deletion stocks and the in silico approach involving matching with ESTs that were previously mapped. The number of loci per EST-SSR mapped using the in silico approach was almost double the number of loci mapped using the wet-lab approach (using deletion stocks). The distribution of loci on the three subgenomes, on the seven homoeologous groups and on the 21 individual chromosomes was nonrandom (P « 0.01). Long arms had disproportionately (relative to the difference in DNA content) higher number of loci, with more loci mapped to the distal regions of chromosome arms. A fairly high proportion of EST-SSRs had multiple loci, which were largely (81%) homoeoloci. Rye EST-SSRs showed a high level of transferability (≈77%) to the wheat genome. Putative functions were assigned to 216 SSR-containing ESTs through homology searches against the protein database. As many as 104 SSR-containing ESTs (a subset of the above ESTs) were also mapped to the 12 rice chromosomes, which corresponded with the known homology between wheat and rice chromosomes. These physical maps of EST-SSRs should prove useful for comparative genomics, gene tagging, fine mapping, and cloning of genes and QTLs. Dna-based molecular markers, particularly SSRs, have been developed and mapped on chromosomes in a variety of crop plants. In bread wheat, genetic and physical mapping of SSRs has been an ongoing exercise, and, to date, ≈2450 SSRs (1 SSR 1.63 cM-1) have been genetically mapped (for details see Torada et al., 2006) and ≈1320 SSRs (62 SSRs chromosome-1) have been physically mapped (for details see Goyal et al., 2005). With a genome size of ≈16 000 Mbp, it is evident that despite concerted efforts, the density of mapped SSRs in bread wheat remains relatively low and continued efforts are needed to increase the density of these SSRs on available genetic and physical maps. In recent years, emphasis has also shifted from genomic SSRs to EST-SSRs due to the availability of very large databases of ESTs from all of the cereals including bread wheat. Consequently, the number of EST-SSRs in cereals now includes 43 598 from bread wheat (Peng and Lapitan, 2005), 16 917 from rice and 184 from rye (La Rota et al., 2005; Hackauf and Wehling, 2002). The genetic mapping of these EST-SSRs is difficult due to a low level of polymorphism, as a result of their conserved nature. Physical mapping of these EST-SSRs in wheat is equally difficult due to the occurrence of homoeoloci exhibiting no polymorphism. This has discouraged wheat researchers from undertaking a large-scale project to genetically or physically map wheat EST-SSRs although genetic mapping of 325 EST-SSRs (Gao et al., 2004; Nicot et al., 2004; Yu et al., 2004) and physical mapping of 305 EST-SSRs was recently undertaken (Yu et al., 2004; Zhang et al., 2005; Peng and Lapitan, 2005). We previously reported genetic mapping of 58 and physical mapping of 270 genomic SSRs (Gupta et al., 2002; Goyal et al., 2005). The present study is an extension of our earlier studies on physical mapping of SSRs and involved both wet-lab and in silico approaches, leading to the successful mapping of as many as 672 loci. The in silico approach allowed mapping of twice the number of loci (per EST-SSR) mapped using wet-lab analysis

    Multi-criteria decision making monarch butterfly optimization for optimal distributed energy resources mix in distribution networks

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    The optimal integration of distributed energy resources (DERs) is a multiobjective and complex combinatorial optimization problem that conventional optimization methods cannot solve efficiently. This paper reviews the existing DER integration models, optimization and multi-criteria decision-making approaches. Further to that, a recently developed monarch butterfly optimization method is introduced to solve the problem of DER mix in distribution systems. A new multiobjective DER integration problem is formulated to find the optimal sites, sizes and mix (dispatchable and non-dispatchable) for DERs considering multiple key performance objectives. Besides, a hybrid method that combines the monarch butterfly optimization and the technique for order of preference by similarity to ideal solution (TOPSIS) is proposed to solve the formulated large-scale multi-criteria decision-making problem. Whilst the meta-heuristic optimization method generates non-dominated solutions (creating Pareto-front), the TOPSIS approach selects that with the most promising outcome from a large number of alternatives. The effectiveness of this approach is verified by solving single and multiobjective dispatchable DER integration problems over the benchmark 33-bus distribution system and the performance is compared with the existing optimization methods. The proposed model of DER mix and the optimization technique significantly improve the system performance in terms of average annual energy loss reduction by 78.36%, mean node voltage deviation improvement by 9.59% and average branches loadability limits enhancement by 50%, and minimized the power fluctuation induced by 48.39% renewable penetration. The proposed optimization techniques outperform the existing methods with promising exploration and exploitation abilities to solve engineering optimization problems
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